

Our Secret Weapon

After years of experience, and seeing poor results from various spotters currently on the market, we decided to create a spotter that:

  • can be used on carpets and upholstery,
  • requires little effort to apply,
  • ​isn’t harmful to the environment and
  • tough on spots and spills.

Our Strict Standard of Clean

  • eliminates soils and residues,
  • does not leave behind any residues (PH neutral), and
  • not harmful to the carpet fibers.

We succeeded!

We created an amazing product that does everything we wanted it to do and more. We create D-TACH: a spotting solution that is aggressive on spots and stains, environmentally friendly, leaves no residues, and easy to use as no machines are required. With its pleasant odor, D-TACH worked on 90-95% of spots and stains that we tested.

Contact us for more information.


D-TACH Specifications

Braxon DTACHBraxon DTACH